The Crazy Canucks [gesigneerd door Ken Read]

Artikel 240 van 284
€ 17,50
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Uitgegeven doorA Reidmore Book
Code [intern]SBNL6


Beschrijving boek

Foreword by Ken Read. Photographs by Chris Speedie.

Klein boodschapje voor ontvanger van het boek door Ken Read, die dit boodschapje heeft geschreven en gesigneerd op 31.01.1984. [De ontvanger van dit boek heeft in Davos een middag met o.a. Ken Read geskied.]

Canada has long been proud of the success of its amateur athletes in international competition. Canadian skiers, in particular, have contributed so much to the nation’s athletic honours that their names have become synonymous with courage and achievement.

As recognition of the unique contributions made by Canadian skiers to Canada’s international reputation, the Department of External Affairs has the pleasure of presenting this book introducing Canada’s downhill team and featuring a number of its accomplishments.


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