Harry Bateman - Partial Differential Equiations of Mathematical Physics

Artikel 17 van 61
€ 18,75
Conditieredelijk [kaft/boekblok duidelijke leeftijds-/gebruikssporen; vorm en binding boek goed]
Aantal pagina`s522
Uitgavejaar1959 [First Edition 1932]
Uitgegeven doorCambridge University Press
Kaftpaperback [ongeplastificeerd]
ISBNniet bekend
Code [intern]LIGT


Beschrijving boek

Harry Bateman [1882-1946] was an esteemed mathematician particularly known for his work on special functions and partial differential equations. This book, first published in 1932, has been reprinted many times and is a classic example of Bateman's work. Partial Differential Equations of Mathematical Physics was developed chiefly with the aim of obtaining exact analytical expressions for the solution of the boundary problems of mathematical physics.

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