Richard Griffith/Arthur Mayer - The Movies

Artikel 42 van 61
€ 23,95
Conditiegoed [leeftijd boek in ogenschouw genomen]
Aantal pagina`s442
Uitgavejaar1964 [2e druk]
Uitgegeven doorSpring Books
Kaftzwart linnen hardcover met opdruk op voorzijde en rug [groot formaat boek]
Stofomslagja [stofomslag deels verkleurd, scheurtjes en stootplekjes aan randen]
ISBNniet bekend
Code [intern]1e-groot


Beschrijving boek

Edited by Geoffrey Hindley. 

With an introduction by Antony Hopkins.

Based on 'La Musique: les hommes; les instruments; les oeuvres', edited by Norbert Dufourcq.

Subtitle: The sixty-year story of the world of Hollywood from pre-nickelodeon days to the present, tol in 1,000 wonderful pictures and 150,000 wordts of brilliant text.

This original and intriguing book reconstructs every era of movie history - from pre-nickelodeon days to the present. More than 1,000 photographs and 150,000 words of commentary and captions present the moving picture from the penny arcade to Cinerama, and show how movies and their audiences have matured together, how the cinema has not only reflected but helped to form public taste in clothes, houses, politics, manners and morals.

Here are six decades of movie idols, geniuses and charlatans, scandals and publicity stunts, monumental successes and epic failures, presented in a penetrating and immensely entertaining way.

The brilliant commentary, studded with anecdotes and behind-the-scenes stories, was written by two men who probably know more than anybody about the movies. Richard Griffith is Curator of Films for New York’s Museum of Modern Art, and Arthur Mayer is one of the best-known and best-informed members of the movie industry.

The result of their collaboration is as enlightening as it is captivating: a soundly researched history as rich in humour and memories as a family album. 

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