Henry Kissinger - White House Years

Artikel 18 van 61
€ 15,95
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Conditieredelijk [1e pag. handgeschreven tekstje, boekblok diverse bruine vlekjes/roestplekjes]
Aantal pagina`s1521
Uitgavejaar1979 [1e druk]
Uitgegeven doorLittle, Brown and Company
Kaftblauw linnen hardcover met [goud] opdruk op voorzijde en rug
Stofomslagja [rug stofomslag flink verschoten in de loop der jaren]
Code [intern]ZOL2


Beschrijving boek

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Kissinger’s invaluable and lasting contribution to the history of this crucial time. One of the most important books to come out of the Nixon Administration, the New York Times bestselling White House Years covers Henry Kissinger’s first four years [1969–1973] as Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs.

Among the momentous events recounted in this first volume of Kissinger’s timeless memoirs are his secret negotiations with the North Vietnamese in Paris to end the Vietnam War, the Jordan crisis of 1970, the India-Pakistan war of 1971, his back-channel and face-to-face negotiations with Soviet leaders to limit the nuclear arms race, his secret journey to China, and the historic summit meetings in Moscow and Beijing in 1972. He covers major controversies of the period, including events in Laos and Cambodia, his ‘peace is at hand’ press conference and the breakdown of talks with the North Vietnamese that led to the Christmas bombing in 1972. Throughout, Kissinger presents candid portraits of world leaders, including Richard Nixon, Anwar Sadat, Golda Meir, Jordan’s King Hussein, Leonid Brezhnev, Chairman Mao and Chou En-lai, Willy Brandt, Charles de Gaulle, and many others.

White House Years is Henry Kissinger’s invaluable and lasting contribution to the history of this crucial time.

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